Mas detalles pronto!
My Past DOES NOT Determine my Present (or my Future) - My Journey to Chicago Marathon 2009
Ya soy una creyente, esto de verdad funciona.
Ayer iba camino al parque donde corro, (queda cerca del departamento asi que me voy caminando y cuando llego alla recien empiezo a correr) y me empezo a doler la espalda baja. Probablemente producto de la discopatía que tengo ahí. Lo que me sorprendió fue mi pensamiento. En lugar de pensar "que mal, no voy a poder correr con este dolor" o " voy a tener que devolverme" o algo así, mi pensamiento fue "quiero llegar luego al parque para empezar a correr y que se me pase el dolor".
En verdad me sorprendió mucho el pensamiento y me hizo darme cuenta de que a pesar de que recién estoy aprendiendo la técnica y los focos y la forma... el ChiRunning sí funciona!!!
Comencé a correr lento concentrandome en la postura, la inclinación de la pelvis y relajando los musculos y a los minutos ya no me dolía nada!!!
I am a believer, this really works.
Yesterday I was walking to the park where I run (it's close to the apartment where I live so I go by foot and start running as I get there) and I started to feel lower back pain. Probably due to the dicopathy that I have there. What surprised me was my thought. Instead of thinking "this is too bad, I am not gonna be able to run with this pain", or "I better go back home", or something like that, my thought was "I need to get to the park asap so I can start running and the pain goes away".
That thought really surprised me a lot and made me realize that even though I am just starting to learn the techinque and form focuses... ChiRunning does work!!!
I started to run slowly, focusing in the posture, the pelvis tilt, and relaxin all the muscles... and in a few minutes.... the pain was gone!!!
There... I needed to say it, write it. I am feeling it more and more. It's new, but it feels good.
Here I want to share with you my running goals:
Namaste :)
Por suerte había ido al otro doctor antes! Al menos ya estaba advertida de que había una posibilidad de que me quisieran operar... y así fue! Mi médico era de la idea de que la indicación inmediata frente a los resultados de mi examen era cirugía. Esto significaba que no podía correr la maratón este año.
Como tenía la otra opinión me puse un poco más osada y le dije que no me pensaba operar antes de la Maratón. Que mi plan era entrenar y si durante el entrenamiento sentía molestias o dolor, obviamente iba a parar y si era demasiado, no iba a correr y eventualmente me iba a operar. Pero no sin antes hacer el intento (mi dolor ni siquiera está directamente relacionado con el ejercicio!). Estuvo de acuerdo (qué alternativa tenía!), así que ese es plan! :o)
PS.: Dejo pantallazo de mi confirmación de inscripción!!!
I had not written about this, but I think it is important to do so. Last Wednesday I went finally to see my doctor, the one that was on a trip and had not seen yet the results of my MRI.
Luckily I had seen the other doctor before! At least I was warned that there was a chance they wanted to do surgery on me... and it was the case! My doctor said that the immediate indication regarding the results of my MRI was surgery, which meant that I wasn't gonna run this year.
Since I already had the other doctor's opinion, I was feeling a bit bold and told him that I did not want to have the surgery before the maraton. That my plan was to start training and if during the training i felt discomfort or pain, obviously I would stop and if it was unbearable, I wasn't gonna run, and eventually have surgery. But not without giving it a try first (my pain is not even exercise triggered!). He agreed (what choice did he have!), so that's the plan :o)
PS: I leave a screenprint of my registration confirmation!!!
Ya tengo mis zapatillas nuevas maratonisticas!!!
Bueno, gracias a ambos, tengo las zapatillas más feas y cómodas del universo (bromaaa)!!!
Así que acá les presento a las que me van a llevar a cruzar la meta... Ya las he usado 2 veces para salir a correr y se sienten increíbles!
I have my marathon shoes already!!!
I was in LA last Monday and my friend Mike Magdaleno took me to the best sports goods store: Village Runner, in Manhattan Beach. Mike and the salesperson there advised me very well, especially every time I got carried away by the bright colors and beauty of some of the shoes... so difficult to get focused on what matters... in the end... I am a girl!!! (Thanks for everything Mike!).
Well, thanks to both of them, I got myself the ugliest most comfortable shoes in the whole universe!!! (just kidding...)
So here I introduce you to the pair that is gonna take me past the finish line... I have gone running twice in them already and they feel great!