viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Chi Running

Esta es la tecnica que estoy aprendiendo y que creo que me va a llevar a terminar la maraton con exito. Para todos los que corren y quieran mejorar su eficiencia y para los que no corren y creen que no pueden, les dejo un video de Danny Dreyer, el creador de esta técnica. Tambien esta el libro ChiRunning, se los recomiendo 100%.

A mí, ya me está dando resultados positivos.
This is the technique that I am learning and which I believe is going to take me to the finish line at the marathon. For all of you who run and want to improve your efficiency and for those of you who don't run and believe you can't, I leave here a video with Danny Dreyer, the creator of this technique. There is also the book ChiRunning, which I recommend 100%.

To me, this is already giving positive results.

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